North Mildred Depot

North Mildred Depot

A Historically Hip space

We are proud to announce that the west facing office space on the upper level is the future home to the Printz Mortgage Team.  While this team spans the continental US from Washington State to Florida, they are also highly committed to their “home” market in Charles Town and surrounding areas.  

The Printz Mortgage team is excited to host events for their clients and partners in this space which will include a spacious open concept, gorgeous exposed brick walls, floor to ceiling windows and a sweeping view of the Depot District and Charles Town’s most beautiful buildings.  

As an owner of the Depot, Jessy Printz had the opportunity to select virtually any of the available spaces to house her growing team.  After careful thought, important guidance from their Architect Bryson, and in line with the Economic Development goals in motion for the City, she decided the upper level was the best option.  This allows the retail spaces to remain “walkable” and create opportunities for the community to engage with the building through a variety of retail/dining experiences.  The ability for guests to enjoy as much of the Depot as possible has always been of utmost importance in the Printz’s development mindset. 

Jessy Printz, Mortgage LeaderPrintz Team USA Mortgage